Kids say the funniest things, so today I’ve compiled 400+ Funny Questions to Ask Kids. It’s fun to ask children questions to prompt their opinions and see how they perceive the world.
I hope these Funny Kid Questions bring about some humor and laughs with your kids!
These funny questions for kids are perfect for personalizing a gift or card. They are also fun for memory books, baby books, a funny questionnaire for kids, or sharing on social media.
You might like using a funny question as a conversation starter, or they could be used as icebreaker questions. Taking a video while your child answers a silly question can also be fun!
These silly questions are a fun way to spend time getting to know both your young children and your older kids.
You are welcome to post the fun questions to ask kids on social media if you would like to share your child’s responses with friends and family. What a great way to make some memories with your child!
Here’s 400+ funny questions to ask a kid. They are organized into sections by topic.
So let’s get started!
Funny Questions to Ask Kids about Food
- What is your favorite thing to put ketchup on?
- If you could be a food, what kind of food would you be?
- What is the grossest food you’ve ever tasted?
- What kind of food would you like to take a bath in?
- If you had to pick one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What is the best kind of food for a food fight?
- If you could choose any restaurant to go to, where would you go?
- If you were opening a restaurant, what kind of restaurant would it be?
- Would you rather have ice cream or chicken strips?
- What is the worst thing you have put in your mouth?
- What is the best thing you have ever eaten?
- How do you know it is lunch time?
- Tell me about your perfect pizza.
- Where does food come from?
- Tell me how to make a delicious soup – what do I need?
- If you could make a new food, what would be and how would you make it?
- Describe your perfect ice cream sundae.
- If a friend was going to throw food at you, what would you choose?
- If you had a magical tree that grew any food you wanted, what would you grow?
- Would you rather have a popsicle or a pickle?
- If you could create magical cupcakes, what power would they give you?
- If an onion was a drink, would you drink it?
Silly Kid Questions
- What would you do if you had four arms?
- If you had a time machine that could go into the future, what would you bring back?
- Can you show me the craziest face you can make?
- Can you tell me the funniest joke ever?
- If you found a genie in a bottle, what would your three questions be?
- What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?
- Who makes you laugh the most?
- If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
- Can you say the alphabet backwards?
- If you had a store, what what would you sell in it?
- If you had to rename the color blue, what would you call it?
- What person from history would you like to talk to?
- What is worst thing you could wear to school?
- If you grew to be 40 feet tall, what would you do?
- If you got to meet the president, what would you ask him?
- What is the craziest thing you could take a shower in?
- If you woke up and you were green what would you do?
- If you could make up a word what would it be and what would it mean?
- Which character from a video game would you be?
- If you had to change your name to what you had for supper last night, what would your new name be?
- If you were in the circus, what would your act be?
Sci-Fi Questions to ask Kids
- What would do if you could fly?
- Do you think there are aliens?
- Would you rather be able to fly or swim underwater?
- Do you believe in Bigfoot?
- Do you think there are mermaids?
- What would your superhero name be?
- Do you think there are real unicorns?
- What would your super power be?
- What would you do first if there was no gravity?
- Would you rather be invisible or super strong?
- If you turned in a stretchy human, what would do?
Growing Up Funny Questions to Ask Kids
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Where would you go if you could drive?
- If you could be any age, what age would you choose?
- How many kids are you going to have when you grow up?
- When you grow up, what kind of vehicle would you like to drive?
- What should Daddy be when he grows up?
- How tall will you be when you grow up?
- Are you going to get married?
- Who are you going to marry?
- What do you want to do at your wedding?
- What will you name your first kid?
- How many years do you think you’ll live?
- When do you stop being a kid?
- What color of car do you want for your first car?
- What is the best thing about being a grown up?
- Are grown-ups allowed to wear anything they want?
- If you were a grown-up what would you do first?
- Which is better being a grown-up or being a kid?
- What is something grown-ups always say?
- What is weirdest thing grown-ups do?
Caring Questions to Spark Conversations
- What is the nicest thing you could do for someone?
- How could you make the world a better place?
- What is something nice you could do for brother/sister?
- What are you thankful for?
- How can we make everyone get along?
- What would make your neighbor smile?
- If you could give your best friend something to make their day, what would it be?
- If you could plan the best day ever for your brother/sister, what would you do?
- What is the best way to make people laugh?
- Who is the nicest person you know?
- What can you do to help other people?
- How could our family help little kids?
Creative Funny Kid Questions
- If one of your toys could come to life, which one would you choose?
- If you were were a pirate, what would you do?
- What would you do if you were shrunk down to the size of an ant?
- If you could grow any plant you wanted, what would you grow?
- If you wrote a book about a worm, what would he do?
- What would you like to make a movie about?
- If you built something, what would you build?
- If you could invent a new toy, what would it be?
- What would you create if you were an inventor?
- If you could draw something in the sky, what would you draw?
- What would you take pictures of if you had a camera?
- What is the best picture you’ve ever drawn?
- If you could carve a block of ice, what you make?
- If you were going to design an amusement park ride, what would it be?
- Invent a new cartoon character. What would it look like?
Home Questions for a Good Laugh
- If you could paint your room, what color would you paint it?
- Would you rather live under the ocean or on another planet?
- If you were going to move and only take 3 things with you, what would you take?
- Would you rather live in a city or in the country?
- If we didn’t have electricity anymore, what would you miss most?
- If you could paint our house, what color would it be?
- How many bugs are there in your house?
- If you could live on any planet, which one would you choose?
- Would you rather live in skyscraper or a tiny house?
- If you could decorate your room with any theme, how would you decorate it?
- Describe your perfect house.
- Would you rather live on the beach or in a castle?
- How many buckets of water would it take to fill up your house?
- How many windows are in your house?
- Would you rather have a ghost or a monster in your closet?
- How many doors are in your house?
- Would you rather live under the ocean or on top of a mountain?
- Would you rather live in a tree or live underground?
- If you could have a secret passage from your room, where would it go?
- Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii?
- If you could have a secret room in your house, what would be in it?
- If you could add a room to our house, what would it be for?
Funniest Questions about Family
Here’s some funny questions to ask kids about their parents and other family members!
- What does Mommy’s Laugh sound like?
- What is the first thing you would do if you were mommy/daddy?
- Is Mommy afraid of anything?
- If you could spend a whole day with one person, who would you spend it with?
- What is Dad’s job?
- What is the best thing about Mommy?
- Who is older? Mommy or Daddy?
- What is the funniest thing about Daddy?
- What is Mommy’s job?
- How did Daddy get so tall?
- What is Daddy afraid of?
- How old is grandma/grandpa?
- What does grandma/grandpa do for fun?
- What is grandma/grandpa the best at?
- If you wanted to make mommy/daddy happy, what would you do?
- What makes mommy happy?
- How old is Mommy?
- What does Daddy like to do for fun?
- Do you know what Mom’s favorite food is?
- What is Mommy the best at doing?
- Would you rather have to share a room with your brother or a room with Daddy? Why?
- What is the best thing about our family?
- Who is the better cook, mommy or daddy?
- Who gives better hugs, mommy or daddy?
- Can you give everyone in your family a nickname?
- Who is the better singer, mommy or daddy?
- Who smells better, mommy or daddy?
- Where do babies come from?
- Who makes you laugh more, mommy or daddy?
- Who is a better driver, mommy or daddy?
- If everyone in your family was a different food, what kind of foods would they be?
- Why did mommy and daddy get married?
- What’s the grossest thing Daddy does?
- What is the most annoying thing your brother/sister does?
- If everyone in your family was a different wild animal, what kind of animals would they be?
- Who is the boss in your family?
- If everyone in your family was a different color, what colors would they be?
- Who is the best dancer in your family?
- Who is the funniest person in your family?
- What is something mommy/daddy always says?
- What do you like most about brother/sister?
- If you wanted to make everyone in your family laugh, what would you do?
- What do you like least about brother/sister?
- Do you have a favorite family tradition?
- What do you like most about mommy/daddy?
- What do you like least about mommy/daddy?
Silly Questions for Kids About Disney
- If your toys were alive like in Toy Story, what would they do?
- What is the best Disney movie?
- What Disney movie would you like to be in?
- If you could ask a Disney princess a question, what would you ask?
- What is your favorite Disney character?
- Which Disney prince/princess are you most like?
- If mommy was a Disney character who would she be?
- Would you rather go to Disney World or Disneyland?
- What is your favorite ride at Disney World or Disneyland?
- Where is your favorite place to eat at Disney?
- If you could change a Disney movie, which one would you change and how would you change it?
- What is your favorite Dwarf from Snow White
- Would you rather have a playdate with Captain Hook or Cruella De Ville?
- If you could have lunch with a Disney character, who would choose?
- Would you rather be Timone or Pumba?
- Would anyone notice if you took one of the 101 Dalmatians?
Universal Studios Funny Kids Questions
- If you had an army of Minions, what you have them do?
- If you could make an evil invention, what would it do?
- Do Minions have banana breath every day?
- Which Transformer would you drive?
- Would you rather hang out with Bob the minion or Kevin?
- What Hogwarts’ house would you be in?
- If you could make up a spell, what would it do?
- Who is your favorite wizarding world character?
- Who is your favorite magical creature?
- What flavor of Bertie Bolt’s every flavor beans do you want to try?
- What flavor of Bertie Bolt’s every flavor beans do you never want to try?
- Would you rather be Harry, Hermione, or Ron?
- What would you buy from Fred & George’s shop?
- Besides Voldemort, who is the scariest wizarding world character?
- What potion would you like to have a vial of?
- What spell would come in handy at your school?
- If you could ride in the side car with Hagrid, would you?
- If you could get an owl to deliver you a letter, who would it be from?
- Which position would you play in Quidditch?
- If you could visit the Room of Requirement, what would it turn into?
- What would your Patronus be?
- Would you rather be Draco Malfoy or Severus Snape?
Silly Questions to ask Kids about Vacation
- Where should we go on vacation?
- If you had an airplane, where would you go?
- If you could go anywhere in the world today, where would you like to go?
- Where do you think mommy/daddy would like to go today, if they could go anywhere in the world?
- Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains?
- Would you rather go in cave or climb a mountain?
- Describe your perfect vacation.
- Would you rather go camping or go to the beach?
- Would you rather go on a boat ride or a train ride?
- If you could take a road trip with a good friend, where would you go?
Bedtime Funny Questions to ask Children
- If you could wear pajamas every day, would you?
- What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
- Who would you like to have snowball fight with?
- What do you think about when lying in bed before you fall asleep?
- Would you rather wake up early or go to bed late?
- How long after you are tucked in does it take you to fall asleep?
- What do like to do when you first wake up?
- Can you sleep with your eyes open?
- What do Mommy and Daddy do after you go to sleep?
- What would happen if you stayed up all night?
- If you could only read the same 3 stories before bed each night, what would they be?
- If you were put into a magical sleep, what would have to happen to break the spell?
- What would be the scariest thing to wake up to?
Funny Questions to Ask Your Kids about Pets
- Which zoo animal would you like for a pet?
- If you had a parrot, what would you teach him to say?
- If you could have any animal for a pet, what would you pick?
- What animal would Mommy pick for a pet?
- Would you rather have a pet snake or a spider?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or a unicorn?
- If your pets could talk what would they say?
- Would you rather have a pet flamingo or a pet deer?
- Would you rather have a pet monkey or giraffe?
- If you had to name 3 dogs, what would you call them?
- Would you rather have a hamster or a pet frog?
- If you could teach your dog a trick, what you have him do?
- If you had to trade places with one of your pets, which one would you trade with?
- Are dogs or cats better?
- If you could train your pet to help you do something, what would you have them do?
- What would be the worst animal to have as a pet?
- What would be the most awkward pet to share a room with?
- If you woke up to your pet licking your nose, what would you do?
- Would you rather have an aquarium or pet rabbits?
“All about You” Kids Funny Questions
- What are you really good at?
- What are you bad at?
- Do you have a favorite smell?
- What are you most scared of?
- Describe the perfect day.
- What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
- If you could be someone else, who would you want to be?
- What was the worst thing that has ever happened in your life?
- What makes someone smart?
- If you worked really hard and won an award, what do you think it would be for?
- What do you worry about?
- What is something you wish you were really good at?
- If you could change your name, what would you want people to call you?
- If you could dye your hair, what color would you choose?
- What is a secret you haven’t told anyone?
- Would you rather give a speech in front of people or write a book?
- What talent do you wish you had?
- What do you want to learn how to do?
- If you set a world record, what would it be?
- What is something that only you can do?
- What is something you want to do in the next year?
- How many states have you been to?
- How big were you when you were born?
- If you got to buy any toy, what would you buy?
- If you had to give away one toy, what you give first?
- Tell me about a time when you were embarrassed.
- What do you daydream about?
- What do you think about about when you are bored?
- If you became famous, what would it be for?
- Who is someone you admire?
- If you were in a movie, would it be a drama or a comedy?
Family Life and Household Questions
- What is something that is against the rules, that you want to do?
- What is the hardest thing or rule we have in our family?
- If you could make a new rule for our family, what would it be?
- What rule should we get rid of?
- What do you get in trouble for most often?
- If you got sucked down the bathtub drain, where would it take you?
- What is the chore you like doing the least?
- Would you rather have a shower or take a bath?
- How do you know when you should get up in the morning?
Holiday Questions
- What is your favorite holiday?
- What is the best gift a kid could get on their birthday?
- If you could do anything for your birthday, what would you do?
- If you could have any kind of birthday party you wanted, what kind would you have?
- Would you rather it be Christmas or your birthday?
- How does Santa’s sleigh fly?
- If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and what would it celebrate?
- How many elves does Santa have?
- If we only had one holiday each year, what would it be?
- What is a New Year’s resolution that you should make?
- How far away is the North Pole?
- What holiday do you like the food best at?
- Where does the Easter Bunny live?
- What is the best April Fool’s prank you’ve seen?
- What is your favorite food at Thanksgiving?
- Where does Santa go on vacation?
- What does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth?
- What holiday has the best traditions in our family?
School Fun Questions to ask Kids
- What is your favorite thing to do at school?
- If you were to get sent to the principal’s office, what would it be for?
- What is the most boring part about school?
- If you were to get in trouble at school, who would you get in trouble with?
- How many days do you have left before you graduate?
- If you could draw any picture on the whiteboard at school, what would you draw?
- What is your favorite subject at school?
- If you could create a new subject to study at school, what would it be?
- Do you like math or reading better?
- If you could change your bus ride, what would you change?
- How high can you count?
- If you could get to school using any mode of transportation, how would you get there?
- If you learn anything you wanted in school, what would you learn?
- What would you do different if you were the teacher?
- What grade would you skip, if you could skip any grade in school?
Favorites Questions
- Who is your favorite character from a book?
- What is your favorite thing to wear?
- What is your favorite game to play?
- Which song is your favorite?
- What is your favorite toy?
- Do you have a favorite outfit to wear?
- What is your favorite day of the week?
- What is your favorite season?
- Who was your favorite teacher?
- What is your favorite restaurant?
- What is your favorite movie?
- Do you have a favorite animal?
- What is your favorite dessert?
- What is your favorite vegetable?
- Tell me about your favorite dinner.
- What is your favorite drink?
List of Funny Questions about Animals
- What sound does a giraffe make?
- If you woke up as a monkey, what would you do first?
- Are you more scared of sharks or crocodiles?
- What would you bark at, if you were a dog?
- How many fish are in the ocean?
- If you were a cat, would you eat mice?
- What animal are you most scared of?
- What animal do you wish you could ride?
- If you could turn into an animal, what animal would you be?
- Would you rather ride on a dolphin or a buffalo?
- What is the weirdest animal you know about?
- What animal do you want to see that you’ve never seen?
- Would you rather see a whale or an elephant in the wild?
- Would you rather go scuba-diving or on a Safari?
- What animal do you want to pet?
- What animal would you like to ride on?
- Which animal would you like to feed?
- What animal would scare you the most if you saw it in the wild?
- If you could have a characteristic of an animal like a giraffe’s long neck or a lion’s roar, what would you want?
- If you could speak to a certain type of animal, what kind of animal would you like to speak to?
- What is the grossest thing you’ve seen an animal do?
- If you could train animals, what type of animals would you train? What would you teach them to do?
- Would you be more afraid of coming face to face with a shark or a bear?
- If you could create a new animal, what would it be like?
- What would you do if you found yourself in a pit surrounded by snakes?
- If you could combine 2 animals to make a new one, what would you combine? And what would you call it?
Religious Questions
- If you could see one of Jesus’s miracles, what would you want to see?
- What would you do if you were swallowed by a big fish like Jonah?
- What would you ask Jesus if you could ask him a question?
- Which Bible story would you like to witness?
- If you could visit a Bible place, where would you go?
- If God gave you the ability to heal one type of ailment, what would you want to be able to heal?
- Where does God live?
- If you could meet someone from the Bible, who would you meet?
- What do you think God looks like?
- Describe an angel.
- What does God want us to do?
Activity Ideas – Funny Things to ask Kids
- Can you wiggle your ears?
- Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
- How fast can you run?
- How long can you hold your breath?
- Would you rather have a mustache or a beard?
- If you could play any sport, what would you play?
- Would you rather be able to juggle or do a cartwheel?
- Can you whistle?
- Can you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time?
- How many hairs do you have?
- Can you do a summersault?
- How high can you jump?
- Can you do a cartwheel?
- Can you do a headstand?
- Would you rather play in the snow or swim in a pool?
- Can you do a handstand?
- How long can you hang from the monkey bars?
- What is a special skill that you can do?
- Can you do the splits?
- Can you touch your toes if your legs are straight?
Physical World Questions
- Why is the sky blue?
- Why is the ocean blue?
- What would you do if you could walk on the moon?
- Where does the sun go at night?
- How many stars are there?
- How do airplanes fly?
- Where does water come from?
- How does electricity work?
- Why can’t you fly?
- Where does the moon go at night?
- How big is the sun?
- Where does rain come from?
- If you could make it the same season all year round, which would you choose?
- Are you more afraid of tornados or earthquakes?
- What type of Dinosaur would you like to see in person?
- Why are there seasons?
- Are you more scared of thunder or wind?
- What makes a sunset?
- How do clouds work?
Now THAT was a lot of questions!
These silly questions for kids are great for prompting funny answers from your child and of course for learning more about how your child perceives their world. I know you’ll find some funny questions to ask toddlers in here as well.
You can use these interesting questions as conversation starters after school, an ice breaker on car rides, or when you find yourself waiting in a line. If you teach, you might like to have funny questions to ask students.
I’m always surprised at how my kids perceive their world. Here’s a few funny kid quotes and antics from my home.
Funny Kid Stories
Xander (looking at his little sister): What’s on her face mom?
Me: I don’t know, probably food.
Ruby: It’s my beak! I have a beak right here! (Pointing to her mouth and nose)
She does eat like a bird. LOL
Here’s another one.
Me: The dog was happy when I gave him water, and he licked me! Xander: Why?
Me: Because that’s how dogs say thank you!
Xander: Can I have a drink?
Me: Sure! (I feel him lick my shirt) …Did you just lick me???
Kids are weird. When they aren’t licking me, they are licking the window. Is there anything that can prepare you for the oddities of parenting?
And lastly….
Ruby: Mommy, I’m Sick!
Me: Oh no! What’s wrong?
Ruby: I’m not wrong. I’m sick!
I love how children can take a normal conversation and turn it on its head! Normal every day life is so funny with little ones around! You never know how they are going to answer a simple question!
Make Memories with Your Kids!
It’s cool how a fun question can start a meaningful conversation. My favorite part is seeing how my kids answer tough questions with a great deal of thought.
As a parent, I find that sometimes all it take is the right questions to get a conversation started with both younger kids (or even an older child in high school!)
I hope you find a great question to spark conversation with your kids and of course, I hope you found some parenting humor and some laughs!
Now go and create some memories of your own with your kids! I dare you!
If you’d like some more fun questions be sure to check out 101 Would You Rather Questions for Kids!
***This article was edited to include over 400+ questions. If you are visiting from Pinterest and were looking for the original 48 Funny Questions Printable you can still access it in my Resource Library available to all of my email subscribers. You can sign up for my email list here.
For More Laughs You Might Like:
Funny Kid Stories from Parents
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Parenting Humor – Road Trips and Bathroom Banter
I agree kids make normal life more enjoyable and find the silliest things funny. These are some great funny questions to ask your kids. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely! Glad you enjoyed it!
Great questions! I’m going to ask my kids what they think I’m afraid of tonight during dinner! Lol.
Question 28 is a great prompt for a learning conversation.
Haha I love these questions!! Who gives the best hugs is one that I love to ask and I’m going to start asking a lot of these too.
Thanks for the encouraging words Abby! I love hearing my kids’ responses!
I love these questions! I’m going to start asking one or two during dinner.
I hope your family has fun with it! 🙂
wow such a sweeeeet post. All questions are very throutfully created. thanks for sharing and I would love to share with my friends to use. and play with kids being kid. free entertainment.
Thanks! Yes, it’s a fun list for getting to know your kids better and a few laughs!
Ha, there are some great questions there. I will ask Alice these tomorrow, maybe incorporate a few of them into our blog. I love the way kids see the world, how they take what we, as adults, find absurd and turn it into a concrete reality, completely devoid of ambuiguity. Like your example of the beak. Love it.
Thanks! Kids just have a different perspective on life, don’t they!?!
Love these ideas!
Thanks Stephanie!
These are great! I’m going to ask my kids some of these.
Thanks! I hope your family has some fun laughs together with these questions!
I loved, loved your questions they are fabulous, can’t wait to send
a few to my 9 year old grandson, he is going to crack up reading and
answering them! The practice writing is a plus also!
Thank you, what a wonderful imagination you have! I bet you have
very interesting, funny children!
Jacquin Kranz
You made my day! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I hope your grandson loves the funny kid questions!
love theese ideas definitly i will share theese with my class
awesome! Glad it was useful!
OMG, I just read through this entire list and I’m dying! My kids are going to love these questions. Can’t wait to try them out and see the looks on their faces. Thanks for sharing! 😂👍
This post is hilarious! I can’t wait to try some of these questions with my kids. Their answers are always so unexpected and funny—definitely looking forward to the laughs! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! It’s always fun to see what funny things kids say!