Get ready for Easter with this simple printable Easter game! This How Many Words Can You Make from Happy Easter free printable game is a fun way to get kids thinking.
For this simple Easter activity, all you need is a pencil and the printable!
This Easter game is great for classroom parties, family gatherings, and lesson plans for teachers! Word games are a fun way to help kids work on vocabulary and critical thinking skills.

There’s 2 different versions of this “How Many Words Can You Make From Happy Easter” Printable. You’ll find both a full color page as well as a copy-friendly black and white version of the game.
And best of all, you can instantly download these fun Easter activity pages right in this article!
How to Play this Easter Word Game
To play this Easter Word Game, players write down as many different words as they can make with the letters in Happy Easter. They can only use each letter one time in each word. However if the letter appears twice, they can use it twice.
This easy word game is a bit like Bananagrams, Scrabble or Boggle, but you are using the letters from Happy Easter.
The game is age appropriate for 2nd grade and up, as kids need to be able to spell words in order to play.
I feel like it is most successful with 3rd grade and up, where the majority of kids can spell a lot of simple words.
To play this Easter game, pass out the page upside down, so that everyone starts at the same time.
You could set a timer to see who can create the most new words within a certain amount of time, or kids can work together in groups to come up with 20 words.
Alternatively, the first person to hit 20 words can be the winner. There’s lots of fun ways to play and you can choose the way that is best for your group!
Setting some ground rules is always advisable. For example, you might like to say that you can’t write down Happy or the word Easter as new words.
Or you could make a rule that acceptable words must be 3 letters or more.
It’s your game, so you can make the rules! As always, simple is best!
Game Answer Key
It’s rather amazing, that there are over 500 words you can create with these letters!
Here’s just a few of the words that can be made:
- Star
- Ear
- Hear
- Tear
- Tar
- Heat
- Eat
- Rat
- Sat
- Pat
- Her
- Stare
- Are
- Pear
- Year
- Rap
- Reap
- Peer
- Hat
- Pay
Now that you know how to play, it’s time to grab the free printables!
Download The How Many Words Can You Make From Happy Easter Printable
The full color Easter word game features everyone’s favorite bunny with an Easter egg along with a lamb and a flower at the top of the page. At the bottom of the page, there is a chick with an Easter egg, a bunny with a carrot, and some spring flowers.
There’s space to write up to 20 words on the front (and of course the overachievers can keep going on the backside!) It’s a super cute printable Easter game! I hope the kids in your life enjoy it on their special day!
You can also get a black and white version as well. It features two Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, and a flower. Everything is in black and white making it easy to copy for a large gathering or classroom. Kids might also enjoy coloring the page after the game is over.
These are so much fun for holiday parties, kids who like words puzzles, and of course it’s just a fun way to keep kids busy on this beautiful holiday.
To grab your free Easter game sheet printables click the black download button here:
Game Extensions
Here’s a few more ideas to extend the fun!
– You could have kids flip over their page and write a new phrase like Chocolate Bunnies, Easter Bunny, Easter Basket, Blessed Easter, Easter Blessings, or Easter Sunday and play the word scramble game again using the letters of the word or phrase.
– Have kids use the letters to create the longest word….and the longest accepted word wins!
– Kids could use their word list to create silly sentences.
– If they enjoy these word game activities, you can find a fun Christmas Word Game here and a Valentine’s Day game here that are similar.
More Easter Ideas
You can find more fun Easter ideas for kids here on my blog!
These Easter Color By Number Pages are a great way for kids to practice following directions, number recognition, and build fine motor skills. Such a great idea for independent work time!
Younger children will enjoy this Marble Paint Egg Craft. I love how simple it is. Such a good egg craft for kids!
There’s a fun Paper Easter Bunny craft here for kids. Sure to bring a Hoppy Easter!
Kids at any grade level will enjoy this DIY Happy Easter Banner. Children can create a cool decoration for the Easter season with this free printable.
There’s some cute ideas for What to Put in Easter Eggs for your Easter Egg hunt here. Kids will have a wonderful time opening the eggs and finding these cool treasures along with a few sweet treats and lots of chocolate!
There’s some wonderful Easter craft ideas for kids. You’ll find fun activity ideas and Easter holiday crafts for kids.
You can find a fun Happy Spring Muddy Boots Craft here. It’s the perfect opportunity to welcome the new season – mud and all!
Want to save this Fun Easter game printable for later? Pin the image below to your Easter activities board on Pinterest!