If you are looking for ideas to keep your household running smoothly, check out these free tech tools that are perfect for families! My husband and I have used a couple of these sites for years and the last one, we’ve used for several months with awesome results. I hope you find something useful!
Google Calendar
If you find yourself telling people “I’ll check my calendar and get back with you” or “I wish I had my calendar with me,” you are going to love Google Calendar.
I can access my calendar on both my phone and my laptop. I can add or edit items on the calendar from either device. My husband and I share the calendar with each other, so that if there is an appointment, we both can see it.
It’s life changing for busy families, as you always have your calendar in your phone!
Mint is a website that helps you manage your finances all in one place. You can link your accounts to the page and see everything at once. It brings your balances, bills, savings, checking…everything into one easy to read place. You can see your daily expenditures, money coming in and money going out. It’s been really helpful for our family as we can track where we are spending our money and where we might consider cutting back. It’s been a great tool and it’s trustworthy and free.
Trello is an amazing tool to help you keep track of what you need to do. Basically, you are putting your to-do list on your computer (no more losing your to-do list!) Then you move the items around on the list as they are To Do, In Progress, Blocked, or Done. Writing things out has always helped me, but being able to move them around and having all the info in one place has been a game-changer.
Trello is based on the Kanban system which allows real-time communication of work. Items “To Do” are represented visually on a board, allowing everyone involved to see the status of every item that needs done. My husband and I have Trello boards that are connected so I can see what he has going on. I have 3 “To Do” boards currently. I keep separate lists for my blog, my Etsy shop, and home life. It helps me keep on top of what needs done and keep track of projects that are coming up.
I hope that this list of free tech tools helps you and your family! These tools have helped my family tremendously as organization is the key to our household running smoothly!
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