Looking for fun ideas for learning the books of the Bible? Here’s our Best Books of the Bible Activities for Kids!
You’ll find games, songs, printables, and more!
I volunteer at a week long summer Bible camp each year. The past couple of years, I taught the 9 and 10 year old girls.
The first year, I noticed that these kids had a lot of trouble finding Scriptures.
It’s very difficult to help kids read God’s Word if they can’t navigate finding a Bible verse or a certain book of the Bible.
So I came prepared the next year with fun activities to teach them the Books of the Bible.
My hope, is that by learning the order of the books of the Bible, that they will be able to find Scriptures easier!

I hope you find some fun and creative ideas for books of the Bible activities for youth ministry, Bible camp, children’s church, your Sunday School class, or teaching your own children!
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Books of the Bible Games
Jenga Books of the Bible Game
This first idea was a big hit with my Bible Camp students.
This simple Books of the Bible game was created with Jenga pieces. I simply wrote the name of each book on each Jenga piece. If you like, you can switch colors to designate categories etc. (I kept mine simple!)
I separated my students into 2 groups and then had them put the books of the Bible in the correct order using the blocks and a printable bookmark as a reference.
One group had the Old Testament and the other group had the New Testament.
Once they had completed putting them in order, I had them cover their eyes while I removed some blocks from the set. Next, I handed each student a couple of blocks to see if they could place them correctly again.
I incentivized the game with some candy to liven it up and keep it fun!
I did this over the course of a week, so on the first day, I only removed easy pieces, ones they would know for sure….as the week progressed, I picked harder ones…and on the last day, we even closed the gaps between the words making it even more difficult.
We had the kids swap block sets so they could work on both the NT and OT.
It was such a fun way to teach kids both the Old and New Testament books.
You could do this with paper if you wanted. We were outdoors, so having heavy blocks was necessary, so they didn’t blow away.
I like that these are reusable and I can bring them out year after year.
Tips on creating the Jenga Game
You could definitely try to find a cheaper version of blocks – we used a whole set of Jenga blocks plus a few extras from an old set.
Keep in mind, you will need 2 sets to do this project as there is 66 books in the Bible and only 54 Jenga Blocks.
Or…you could write the New Testament on one side with one color and the Old Testament on the other side with a different color.
I used 66 blocks because my class was going to be working on it simultaneously. But if you have a small class size, you could definitely write on both sides of the blocks.
Overall, hands-on activities like this are a great way to get kids engaged in learning in a matter of moments.
Books of Bible Game Printable
This next books of the Bible activity is perfect if you are teaching in a classroom. This Books of the Bible Printable is by Little Branches Store on Etsy.
Kids can use the printable to put the books of the Bible in order. You can turn it into a busy book page or “quiet book” activity for church if you like.
Such a cute design and such a great learning tool!
Books of the Bible Cups Game
This Books of the Bible fun game is just a spin off of the Jenga game. Kids put the Bible books in order by stacking the cups.
It’s a fairly simple idea that would work indoors. I wouldn’t recommend it outside, as you might have wind to deal with.
Books of the Bible Index Cards
Just like the Jenga game, you can use Index cards to help your Sunday School kids or young people in your life learn the proper order of the Books of the Bible.
Simply write the name of each book on an index card. Then let the kids sort them, to place them in order.
You could also liven things up by hiding a few of the bible book cards around the room and asking them to find them and then place them correctly within the consecutive books of the Bible chart.
(This activity could also be used for memory verses as well!)
Books of the Bible Bookmark
You can grab a simple Books of the Bible Bookmark over in my Etsy shop Simply Full of Delight.
I created this simple bookmark for my students and decided to offer to others who might be looking for the same thing!
It features both the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament. I wanted to keep it simple and straightforward so it could be used as a reference as they worked on their Jenga puzzle game.
Books of the Bible Songs
A Books of the Bible song is a great way to teach the names of the books of the bible to kids of all ages.
Even younger children who aren’t quite old enough to read can often learn a song!
“Gotta Know the Books”
First up is my favorite version of the Books of the Bible song. It’s called “Gotta Know the Books” by Shai Linne.
I used this at Bible Camp with my class of 9 and 10 year olds.
We didn’t have internet connection so I memorized the song and then taught the kids.
Yes…it was a bit tricky. It took me several days of singing this song over and over again with the video, but I eventually got it and was able to teach my students at camp, singing it accapella.
As you can see, it’s a pretty fast song. I didn’t do the repeat/faster part.
I found that the Old Testament was pretty easy to memorize without music, but singing the New Testament was a little more difficult without the beat.
If you have internet access, this won’t be a problem, but if you are outdoors and don’t have internet access, you might like to try a different version for the New Testament.
I almost wrote my own…but alas…time! Maybe next year!
The Books of the New Testament Song
I found that several of my students knew the version below.
Even though I found it a bit monotonous, they seemed to like it.
This is “The Books of the New Testament Song” by Sing and Learn the Bible.
I really like the video, especially how they use boxes to put the books of the Bible in order and even separate the books by category.
I definitely recommend sharing this video with your kids if you have access to YouTube in your classroom or home.
The Books of the Old Testament Song
You can find the Old Testament version below as well.
Again, I love how they visually show the Books of the Bible separated into categories. What a great resource for learning the Books of the Bible!
Books of the Bible Chart
One of the best ways to help kids learn the books of the Bible is through exposure. Think about how kindergarten teachers have the letters of the alphabet everywhere!
Having a picture or chart on the wall is an excellent way to help kids learn the books.
This Books of the Bible Poster is classic. It features both the New Testament and the Old Testament and designates catergories as well.
Books of the Bible Crafts
Looking for a fun Books of the Bible Craft idea?
Books of Bible Spinner Craft
I love this Books of the Bible Spinner by Kids Bible Teacher on Etsy.
These easy paper crafts are perfect church activities and reinforcing your Sunday School lessons on Books of the Bible.
There’s also a New Testament Version here as well.
This shop also has an amazing collection of Bible activities that are great for teaching kids the books of the Bible. There’s several interesting activities that are sure to help your kids engage in learning!
Books of Bible Coloring Page
You can find this Books of the Bible Coloring page by Etsy shop Mouse Makes Studio.
Kids will enjoy coloring the books on this page. This fun printable could also be used as as Bible Reading tracker, where kids or adults color in the book after they read it.
More Bible Activities for Kids
Looking for more Bible lesson plans?
You can find a free printable Esther Coloring page here. There’s also creative activities and ideas for teaching kids about this amazing woman from the Bible.
There’s fun free printables for David and Goliath here. Kids will enjoy learning this classic story and there’s fun activity ideas to extend the lesson as well.
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